Friday, August 24, 2012

Gabor filter

 Gabor filter is a linear filter used for edge detection. Frequency and orientation representations of Gabor filter are similar to those of human visual system, and it has been found to be particularly appropriate for texture representation and discrimination. In the spatial domain, a 2D Gabor filter is a Gaussian kernel function modulated by a sinusoidal plane wave. The Gabor filters are self-similar – all filters can be generated from one mother wavelet by dilation and rotation.

Its impulse response is defined by a harmonic function multiplied by a Gaussian function. Because of the multiplication-convolution property (Convolution theorem), the Fourier transform of a Gabor filter's impulse response is the convolution of the Fourier transform of the harmonic function and the Fourier transform of the Gaussian function.

Sample Code for Gabor Filter

void Gabor(Matrix *Gr, Matrix *Gi, int s, int n, double Ul, double Uh, int scale, int orientation, int flag)
       double base, a, u0, z, Uvar, Vvar, Xvar, Yvar, X, Y, G, t1, t2, m;
       int x, y, side;

       base = Uh/Ul;
       a = pow(base, 1.0/(double)(scale-1));

       u0 = Uh/pow(a, (double) scale-s);

       Uvar = (a-1.0)*u0/((a+1.0)*sqrt(2.0*log(2.0)));

       z = -2.0*log(2.0)*(Uvar*Uvar)/u0;
       Vvar = tan(PI/(2*orientation))*(u0+z)/sqrt(2.0*log(2.0)-z*z/(Uvar*Uvar));

        Xvar = 1.0/(2.0*PI*Uvar);
        Yvar = 1.0/(2.0*PI*Vvar);

       t1 = cos(PI/orientation*(n-1.0));
       t2 = sin(PI/orientation*(n-1.0));

       side = (int) (Gr->height-1)/2;

       for (x=0;x<2 o:p="o:p" side="side" x="x">
              for (y=0;y<2 o:p="o:p" side="side" y="y">
                     X = (double) (x-side)*t1+ (double) (y-side)*t2;
                     Y = (double) -(x-side)*t2+ (double) (y-side)*t1;
                     G = 1.0/(2.0*PI*Xvar*Yvar)*pow(a, (double) scale-s)*exp(-0.5*((X*X)/(Xvar*Xvar)+(Y*Y)/(Yvar*Yvar)));
                     Gr->data[x][y] = G*cos(2.0*PI*u0*X);
                     Gi->data[x][y] = G*sin(2.0*PI*u0*X);

       /* if flag = 1, then remove the DC from the filter */
       if (flag == 1) {
              m = 0;
              for (x=0;x<2 o:p="o:p" side="side" x="x">
                     for (y=0;y<2 o:p="o:p" side="side" y="y">
                           m += Gr->data[x][y];

              m /= pow((double) 2.0*side+1, 2.0);

              for (x=0;x<2 o:p="o:p" side="side" x="x">
                     for (y=0;y<2 o:p="o:p" side="side" y="y">
                           Gr->data[x][y] -= m;

void GaborFilteredImg(Matrix *FilteredImg_real, Matrix *FilteredImg_imag, Matrix *img, int side, double Ul, double Uh,
int scale, int orientation, int flag)
       int h, w, xs, ys, border, r1, r2, r3, r4, hei, wid, s, n;
       Matrix *IMG, *IMG_imag, *Gr, *Gi, *Tmp_1, *Tmp_2, *F_1, *F_2, *G_real, *G_imag, *F_real, *F_imag;

       void Gabor(Matrix *Gr, Matrix *Gi, int s, int n, double Ul, double Uh, int scale, int orientation, int flag);

       border = side;
       hei = img->height;
       wid = img->width;

       /* FFT2 */
       xs = (int) pow(2.0, ceil(log2((double)(img->height+2.0*border))));
       ys = (int) pow(2.0, ceil(log2((double)(img->width+2.0*border))));

       CreateMatrix(&IMG, xs, ys);

       r1 = img->width+border;
       r2 = img->width+2*border;
       for (h=0;h
              for (w=0;w
                     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[border-1-h][border-1-w];
              for (w=border;w
                     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[border-1-h][w-border];
              for (w=r1;w
                     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[border-1-h][2*img->width-w+border-1];

       r1 = img->height+border;
       r2 = img->width+border;
       r3 = img->width+2*border;
       for (h=border;h
              for (w=0;w
                     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[h-border][border-1-w];
              for (w=border;w
                     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[h-border][w-border];
              for (w=r2;w
                     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[h-border][2*img->width-w+border-1];

       r1 = img->height+border;
       r2 = img->height+2*border;
       r3 = img->width+border;
       r4 = img->width+2*border;
       for (h=r1;h
              for (w=0;w
                     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[2*img->height-h+border-1][border-1-w];
              for (w=border;w
                     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[2*img->height-h+border-1][w-border];
              for (w=r3;w
                     IMG->data[h][w] = img->data[2*img->height-h+border-1][2*img->width-w+border-1];

       CreateMatrix(&F_real, xs, ys);
       CreateMatrix(&F_imag, xs, ys);
       CreateMatrix(&IMG_imag, xs, ys);

       Mat_FFT2(F_real, F_imag, IMG, IMG_imag);

       /* ----------- compute the Gabor filtered output ------------- */

       CreateMatrix(&Gr, 2*side+1, 2*side+1);
       CreateMatrix(&Gi, 2*side+1, 2*side+1);
       CreateMatrix(&Tmp_1, xs, ys);
       CreateMatrix(&Tmp_2, xs, ys);
       CreateMatrix(&F_1, xs, ys);
       CreateMatrix(&F_2, xs, ys);
       CreateMatrix(&G_real, xs, ys);
       CreateMatrix(&G_imag, xs, ys);

       for (s=0;s
              for (n=0;n
                     Gabor(Gr, Gi, s+1, n+1, Ul, Uh, scale, orientation, flag);
                     Mat_Copy(F_1, Gr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2*side, 2*side);
                     Mat_Copy(F_2, Gi, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2*side, 2*side);
                     Mat_FFT2(G_real, G_imag, F_1, F_2);

                     Mat_Product(Tmp_1, G_real, F_real);
                     Mat_Product(Tmp_2, G_imag, F_imag);
                     Mat_Substract(IMG, Tmp_1, Tmp_2);

                     Mat_Product(Tmp_1, G_real, F_imag);
                     Mat_Product(Tmp_2, G_imag, F_real);
                     Mat_Sum(IMG_imag, Tmp_1, Tmp_2);

                     Mat_IFFT2(Tmp_1, Tmp_2, IMG, IMG_imag);

                     Mat_Copy(FilteredImg_real, Tmp_1, s*hei, n*wid, 2*side, 2*side, hei+2*side-1, wid+2*side-1);
                     Mat_Copy(FilteredImg_imag, Tmp_2, s*hei, n*wid, 2*side, 2*side, hei+2*side-1, wid+2*side-1);


/* --------------------------- Example --------------------------------
              scale = 3,
              orientation = 45,
              Uh (highest spatial frequency) = 0.4,
              Ul (lowest spatial frequency) = 0.1,
              flag (removing the DC term) = 0 (False),
              side (filter dimension = (2*side+1)*(2*side+1)) = 60
       ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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